Mencari pp di Semua Pemasok - Kota Bandung - Propinsi Jawa Barat - Indonesia - Semua Hari - RSS - Lokapasar Utama Perdagangan Bisnis di Bandung - Jawa Barat - Indonesia | Bisnis, Dagang, Jual, Beli, Produk, Suplier, Permintaan - Ekspor ImporidSat, 22 Mar 2025 09:32:19 +0700Indotrade.comJual: Paket mesin Pembuat Pipa Material PP. PE, HDPE, PPR ( pipe production line) [BANDUNG, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]Terima kasih atas ketertarikannya terhadap mesin yang kami jual tersebut, Berhubung jenis/ model mesin, Harga serta Waktu pengiriman mesinnya tersebut beragam, Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan..../worldtechnique/6037310/paket-mesin-pembuat-pipa-material-pp-pe-hdpe-ppr-pipe.htmCV. WORLD TECHNIQUE20151207045305Katalog Produk: Alat Uji Tanah Soil test equipment..aggregate test equipment cement test equipment, Concrete test.... [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]Soil test equipment, aggregate test equipment, .... � � � � � � � � � � AG-760 AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE A<B>PP</B>ARATUS ( BS-812) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � AG-760A AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE A<B>PP</B>ARATUS � � � � ..../cvrundawateknik/5063509/alat-uji-tanah-soil-test-equipment-aggregate-test-equipment.htmCV. RUNDAWA TEKNIK .. Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil l Material Testing Equipment for : Soil, Cement....20140706190252Katalog Produk: Microscop Ecoblue-Euromex [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]EcoBlue Binocular microscope with achromatic 4/ 10/ S40/ S100x oil objectives, NeoLED cordless illumination and X-Y mechanical stage. Total Magnification 40, 100, 400, 1000x/cv_amoeba_biosintesa/5827260/microscop-ecoblue-euromex.htmCV.AMOEBA BIOSINTESA20150721061530Katalog Produk: Tas Laptop Desain Custom S6 44 [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]https: / / gX54r8z7DbI P : 34 L : T : 26 Pilihan Harga: Kualitas Standard / Kualitas Ekslusif. Bahan Baku: Imitasilir, Sintetis, Biway, 600 Dinier, Microfoam, Oskar, Golden, ..../produsen_tas_seminar/5853830/tas-laptop-desain-custom-s6-44.htmCV Idola Indonesia20150810092834Jual: JUAL TRIAXIAL TEST SET, ASTM D-2850 ( 1 Unit) The Triaxial Test Set provides test load up to 300 kgf.... [Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]SO-550 TRIAXIAL TEST SET, ASTM D-2850 ( 1 Unit) .... This feature provides the capability for use in a<B>pp</B>lication such as constant rate of load and constant rate of stress. Measuring and single ..../CV-RakajuLabTeknik/5803581/jual-triaxial-test-set-astm-d-2850-1-unit-the-triaxial-test.htmCV.RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK20150630205540Katalog Produk: Alat Uji Tanah Soil test equipment..aggregate test equipment cement test equipment, Concrete test.... [BANDUNG BARAT, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]Soil test equipment, aggregate test equipment, .... TEST ( BS-812) � � AG-760 AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE A<B>PP</B>ARATUS ( BS-812) � � AG-760A AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE A<B>PP</B>ARATUS � � AG-800 BULK DENSITY..../CVSERAJULABTEKNIK/5781563/alat-uji-tanah-soil-test-equipment-aggregate-test-equipment.htmCV.SERAJU LAB TEKNIK Alat Laboratorium Teknik Sipil l Material Testing Equipment for : Soil, Cement, ....20150618064453Jual: Instalasi Biogas BD 1000L - Biogas Portable Digester Installation BD 1000 L [Bandung West Java, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Instalasi Biogas BD 1000L - Biogas Portable Digester Installation BD 1000 L" id=""></a>BioDigester Biogas BD 1000L atau Portable Biogas BioDigester adalah konverter pemusnah sampah sekaligus pembangkit biometan RNG ( biogas murni) bagi kegiatan masak memasak. Setiap hari, pada kondisi..../kencanabandung/4209581/instalasi-biogas-bd-1000l-biogas-portable-digester.htmPT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana ( CVSK) - www.kencanaonline.com20130506130712Katalog Produk: G-FLEX Interlock Polypropylene [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]Interlock <B>PP</B>, telah banyak di gunakan pada berbagai event International ( Sea Games 2012) dan National ( PON-2012) Kuat - Perawatan dan Pemasangan yang mudah. Dengan Warna warna yang menarik. ..../JakartaKarpet/3828438/g-flex-interlock-polypropylene.htmJAKARTA KARPET & SPORTS FLOORING20121108135823Katalog Produk: Repair Inverter VECTOR Frequency Converter [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Repair Inverter VECTOR Frequency Converter" id=""></a>REPAIR INVERTER VECTOR FREQUENCY CONVERTER 30KW - 380V MC. <B>PP</B> WOVEN BAG & LENO WOVEN POLYMESH BAG/AnugrahMetalindo/3923849/repair-inverter-vector-frequency-converter.htmAnugrah Metalindo20121220153554Katalog Produk: TRIAXIAL TEST SET [Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="TRIAXIAL TEST SET" id=""></a>ALAT LAB TEKNIK SIPIL TRIAXIAL TEST SET , ASTM D .... This feature provides the capability for use in a<B>pp</B>lication such as constant rate of load and constant rate of stress. Measuring and single ..../alatlabtekniksipilcv/4793079/triaxial-test-set.htmTRIKARYA MAJU MANDIRI - 082216380231, 085647933461, E-mail : cs.alatlab@ COMPRESSION MACHINE [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="COMPRESSION MACHINE" id=""></a>COMPRESSION MACHINE ASTM C-109 For determining compressive strength of cement mortar. For sample size 2 " x 2 " x 2 " cube or 2 " diameter x 4 " height cylinder. Steel frame, 12 " diameter force..../PT_MBT_UTAMA_ALATLAB/4781554/compression-machine.htmPT. MBT UTAMA ALAT LAB ( 085222177772 / 022-61156261)20140217205422Katalog Produk: Fume Hood ( Almari Asam) [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Fume Hood ( Almari Asam)" id=""></a>CHEMICAL FUME HOOD ( LEMARI ASAM) MODEL RA 120 .... � Air Flow : 1100 M3/ H � � � Fan & Housing : <B>PP</B> & DE 3.Jendela Kerja: Safety Glass Tempered # 6 mm � � � ( Tinggi) 500 mm x ( Panjang) 1045..../BINALAB-Indonesia/2994349/fume-hood-almari-asam.htmBINALAB-INDONESIA20111112075934Katalog Produk: ALKINDO-Product-Papercores [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="ALKINDO-Product-Papercores" id=""></a>Alkindo Naratama Partnership Through Quality! .... no gap between the spiral windings. Suitable for <B>PP</B> films, PE films, coated papers and towel & tissue papers industries. Papercore SPC Core ..../Alkindo_Naratama/2937959/alkindo-product-papercores.htmAlkindo Naratama20111019091500Jual: GEOLISTRIK - RESISTIVITY ( Mebatek-22S) [Bandung - Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="GEOLISTRIK - RESISTIVITY ( Mebatek-22S)" id=""></a>RESISTIVITY - GEOLISTRIK ( Mebatek -22S) - .... Technical Specification : Transmitter : - Power Su<B>pp</B>ly : Recharge Battery, 12 / 24 Volt, minimal 6 AH - Power Output : a<B>pp</B>rox. 200 watt for..../alattekniksipil/2591270/geolistrik-resistivity-mebatek-22s.htmALAT TEKNIK SIPIL, Distributor & Agen MBT, 0818.569.876 E-mail : deddy_ marketing1mbt@ CETAKAN BETON ( Silinder/ Kubus Beton) [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="CETAKAN BETON ( Silinder/ Kubus Beton)" id=""></a>CETAKAN BETON ( Silinder/ Kubus Beton) CETAKAN KUBUS BETON inner size 15 cm x 15 x 15 cm Cast iron, for forming concrete cube sample CETAKAN SILINDER BETON inner size 15 cm dia x 30 cm..../alatlabtekniksipil1/2482266/cetakan-beton-silinder-kubus-beton.htmALAT LABORATORIUM TEKNIK SIPIL, Informasi Hubungi : 0812.2073.8885, 085.2221.7777220110315075753Katalog Produk: Epoxy 1021 [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Epoxy 1021" id=""></a>Epoxy 1021 adalah Epoxy Resin yang terdiri dari dua komponen tanpa pelarut, dirancang khusus sebagai perekat untuk bahan logam, plastik ( kecuali <B>PP</B>; PE) , karet, kayu, beton dan sebagainya. Keunggulan..../pdsidojaya/576647/epoxy-1021.htmPD. Sido Jaya20070923160146Katalog Produk: PUSAT KONVEKSI KEMEJA PP BAHAN AMERIKANDRIL MURAH BY PEKANBARU [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="PUSAT KONVEKSI KEMEJA PP BAHAN AMERIKANDRIL MURAH BY PEKANBARU" id=""></a>CENTRAL KONVEKSI SERAGAM KEMEJA <B>PP</B> BORDIR MURAH DARI BAHANRESTOK KTAK PRODUSEN KEMEJA MURAH BANDUNG Vendor, Su<B>pp</B>lier, Produsen Produksi Pembuatan Pakaian media promosi. KAOS OBLONG | KAOS SABLON KAOS..../centralkaosmurah/4127462/pusat-konveksi-kemeja-pp-bahan-amerikandril-murah-by.htmCENTRAL PABRIK KONVEKSI KAOS MURAH20130329113346Katalog Produk: SIGMA-ALDRICH [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="SIGMA-ALDRICH" id=""></a>FOLiNCIOCALTEU' S PHENOL Reagent/ Cat. F9252 .... niger A9228-1G Amyloglucosidae from Rhizopus sp. D<B>PP</B>H..../GLOBAL_SCIENTIFIC/1066943/sigma-aldrich.htmCV. GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC20081112234825Jual: Reaktor Pirolisis Plastik - Plastic Pyrolysis Reactor [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Reaktor Pirolisis Plastik - Plastic Pyrolysis Reactor" id=""></a>Reaktor Pirolisis GS 100 adalah Konverter .... dari stainless steel dilengkapi lobang pengumpan ( ho<B>pp</B>er) bijih plastik secara kontinyu, pendingin ( kondensat) berupa pipa stainless ( 1 inchi, ..../Kencana-Online/4429350/reaktor-pirolisis-plastik-plastic-pyrolysis-reactor.htmDigester Biogas l Genset BioElektrik l Komposter l Mesin Pencacah l Teknologi Olah Sampah l....20130822060253Katalog Produk: jual partai PEREKAT PLASTIK / Impulse Sealer / las plastik pfs - 200 pfs-300 pds- 400 [bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]KONTAK PERUSAHAAN: Ridwan Priyadi 085720401118 .... adalah alat untuk merekatkan plastik ( tipe PE / <B>PP</B> ) dengan menggunakan sistem pemanas elektrik. Alat ini cocok digunakan untuk membungkus..../jack-jaya-agency/6041698/jual-partai-perekat-plastik-impulse-sealer-las-plastik-pfs.htmMITRA ONLINE BANDUNG20151209033448