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Satellite Phone IRIDIUM 9555
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
The Iridium 9555 satellite phone is the ultimate in trusted, reliable mobile communications in a sleek portable handset from the only company that covers the entire globe. Overview

The Iridium 9555 satellite phone is compact, light, and easy to use but with industrial-grade ruggedness— and it’ s connected to the only truly global mobile communications network.

Rugged and reliable

The Iridium 9555 is engineered to withstand the world’ s toughest environments, so the world’ s toughest customers can depend on it as a critical lifeline wherever need takes them.


The Iridium 9555 is not only the smallest phone Iridium has ever made, it’ s also the most powerful. With a significantly reduced footprint from our previous phone, more hand-friendly form factor, and aerodynamic features such as an internally stowed antenna, this sleek handset is designed to easily go wherever you go.

Enhanced features

In addition to the features Iridium customers have come to expect from our trusted satellite phones, the Iridium 9555 also incorporates innovations such as an integrated speakerphone, improved SMS and email messaging capabilities, and an upgraded mini-USB data port.

How It Works

The Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone features a redesigned and highly intuitive user interface, making reliable communication more efficient than ever. We make it so easy that you can start making calls right out of the box, skipping the traditional learning curve – and maybe even the need for a user manual. With 21 supported menu languages, the Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone offers the best in native language support for global phone users.


* Industrial-grade design for unparalleled durability
* Compact physical footprint for streamlined portability
* Intuitive user interface for out-of-the-box functionality
* Enhanced SMS and email messaging capability
* Integrated speakerphone
* Headset and hands-free capability
* Internally stowed antenna
* Mini-USB data port and support for phone as modem
* 21 supported menu languages


* Dimensions: 143 mm ( L) x 55 mm ( W) x 30 mm ( D)
* Weight: 266 g ( 9.4 oz)


* Standby time: up to 30 hours
* Talk time: up to 3.1 hours


* 200 character illuminated graphic display
* Volume, signal and battery strength meters
* Illuminated weather-resistant keypad

Calling Features

* Integrated speakerphone
* Quick-connect to Iridium voice mail
* Two-way SMS and short email capability
* Pre-programmable International Access Code ( 00 or + )
* Mailbox for voice, numeric & text messages
* Selectable ring and alert tones ( 8 choices)


* 100-entry internal address book, with capacity for multiple phone numbers, email addresses and notes
* SIM card address book with 155-entry capacity
* Call history retains received, missed and dialed calls

Usage Control Features

* User-configurable call timers to manage costs
* Keypad lock and PIN lock for additional security

Iridium 9555 satellite phone package includes:

AC charger, international plug kit, DC travel charger, hands-free headset, leather case, auxiliary antenna adapter, 5' external auxiliary antenna, USB data cable, quick-start guide, user guide, and CD-ROM

* 9555 Quick Guide
* 9555 User Manual
* 9555 Iridium handheld Video

cara mengaktifkan layanan sms dr iridium 9555 :

* Aktifkan pusat layanan sms dengan masuk ke menu " select messages lalu pengaturan dan service center masukan no service center + 881662900005 kemudian tekan ok.

Cara mengaktifkan layanan Voice mail dari HP Iridium 9555 :

* Masuk ke menu voice mail settings lalu masukan + 881662990000 kemudian tekan ok.
* Konfigurasi voice mail dgn panggil voice mail dan ikuti langkah-langkah selanjutnya dengan memasukan no iridium anfa dan di akhiri dgn tanda * ( bintang ) dan jika di minta password masukan 7 digit terakhir no iridium anda.

Kini anda tidak perlu takut akan kesulitan komunikasi untuk di wilayah belahan dunia manapun karena kami telah hadirkan Telepon Satelit " Iridium 9555" dengan dukungan lebih dari 70 satelit yang mengorbit di angkasa menjadikan solusi perjalanan dan mobilitas anda ke seluruh penjuru dunia dan bahkan hingga ke kutub utara sekalipun Telepon Satelit " Iridium 9555" mampu menjawab akses berkomunikasi anda.

Iridium 9555 adalah telepon satelit dengan teknologi tertinggi di kelasnya di banding R190, menjadikan anda merasa berada diatas angkasa.

Bagaimana Cara kerja telepon Sateli IRIDIUM 9555

Iridium 9505A at Everest Camp, Himalayas

Dr. Feer is using the Motorola 9505A at Everest base camp to contact medical colleague in Kathmandu.

Small, light and resistant to water, the 9555 is designed to travel. The 9555 is the ideal communications option for people who work in or travel to remote locations. Take it with you on your next trip. Iridium is the only provider of truly global satellite voice and data solutions with complete coverage of the earth ( including oceans, air- ways and Polar Regions) . Iridium delivers essential communications services to and from remote areas where no other form of communication is available. Iridium makes this possible through its constellation of 66 low-earth orbiting ( LEO) , cross- linked satellites and 11 in-orbit spares. The Iridium service is ideally suited for industries such as maritime, aviation, government / military, emergency / humanitarian services, mining, forestry, oil and gas, heavy equipment, transportation and utilities.

Harga Sim card Perdana pulsa 75 menit USD 195

Pre-Paid Plans* Cost 75 Mins ( $ 2.12/ min) 1 Month $ 195.00 500 Mins ( $ 1.49/ min) 1 Year $ 795.00 3000 Mins ( $ 1.25/ min) 2 Years $ 4950.00 5000 Mins ( $ 1.13/ min) 2 Years $ 6850.00

No awalan Sim cARD : 8816 atau 8817

IRIDIUM numbering system :

Telephone Number

Area Code/ Operator : 8616 or 8817

Customer Number : 12 digit

Example : 8616 12345678 or 8617 12345678

GARANSI PRODUK 1 TAHUN Replace unit 1 minggu setelah tanggal pembelian selanjutnya garansi service/ perbaikan. Deskripsi garansi : - Tidak termasuk karena disebabkan huru hara/ sabotase - Kondisi alam yang ekstrem ( tersambar petir) - Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil ( tegangan mendadak naik diluar kewajaran) - Karena kesalahan pengguna ( human error)
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