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AGUNG HYDRAULIC MACHINERY ~ Hydraulic Press Machine ~ Machine Shop ~ Press Shop ~ Sheet Metal Work ~ Dies ~ Steel Structure Fabrication ~ Consulty ~ Trade ~ etc.....
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Tn. Yacob P
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Nomor telpon Tn. Yacob P di malang
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Yacob P di malang
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Tn. Yacob P di malang
raya dadaprejo no 6, batu
malang, Jawa Timur
Alamat Tervalidasi
e- mail : yacob_ p@
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Sheet Metal Work ~ stamping,  forming,  drawing,  blanking,  shearing,  bending,  etc.../ Terima jasa pengerjaan plat besi seperti press,  plong,  potong,  drawing,  tekuk,  plong,  dll.. @ foto tangki bahan bakar solar untuk truck atau bis kapasitas 200 liter..
Terima jasa pengerjaan plat besi seperti press, plong, potong, drawing, tekuk, plong, dll.. @ foto tangki bahan bakar solar untuk truck atau bis kapasitas 200 liter.
Hydraulic press machine ( Made by order for custom capacity and size ) . @ picture is hydraulic press C - type for forming and punching sheet metal.
Hydraulic press machine ( Made by order for custom capacity and size ) .
@ picture is hydraulic press C - type for forming and punching sheet metal.
Manufacturing Hydraulic guillotine shearing machine/ mesin hidrolik potong plat/ mesin hidrolis gunting plat,  HYM. ( tebal 4mm ~ 8mm,  panjang 2500mm ~ 4000mm) . Juga sedia / jual guillotine blade.
Produksi mesin hidrolik potong plat/ mesin hidrolis gunting plat, HYM.
( tebal 4mm ~ 8mm, panjang 1500mm ~ 4000mm) .
Juga sedia / jual guillotine blade.
Manufacturing Hydraulic plate bending / bending plate/ mesin tekuk plat sistem hidrolik. @ picture is " H" frame type.
Pembuatan Mesin tekuk plat model H type, tonase dan panjang sesuai kebutuhan.
Hydraulic Press Brakes Machine for plate bending/ bending plate machine / mesin tekuk plat hidrolis ( 63,  100,  160 Ton dst... x 2500,  3200,  4000 mm length )
Jual mesin tekuk plat hidrolis / bending plate dengan kekuatan mulai 63Ton, 100Ton, 160 Ton dst... x panjang 2500, 3200, 4000 mm, dst..
Manufacturing Hydraulic table lifter/ scissor table lift/ lifter 500kg,  1ton,  3ton,  5ton,  10ton,  15ton... ( HYM product) @ picture is 3 stage lifter 1000 kgs,  lift up to 4000mm.
Manufacturing Hydraulic table lifter/ scissor table lift/ lifter 500kg, 1ton, 3ton, 5ton, 10ton, 15ton... ( HYM product)
Manufacturing Hydraulic Horizontal Continuous Channel Paper Baler Press Automatic or Manual tie...( HYM brand) . Suitable for paper waste,  plastic,  cardboard,  tin can,  etc.
Mesin hidrolik press model Horisontal Continuous Channel Baler dengan sistem tali otomatis atau manual...

Cocok untuk pengaturan limbah kertas, plastik, kardus, dll..

Manufacturing Agitator/ Mixer/ Pengaduk linguid / Tangki / Konstruksi besi / dll ( custom made)
Pembuatan agitator/ mixer/ pengaduk / tangki/ konstruksi besi, dll.
Manufacturing Hydraulic guillotine shearer machine/ mesin potong/ gunting plat sistem hidrolik,  HYM. ( tebal 4/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 12/ 16mm x panjang 1500,  2500,  3000,  4000 mm) . @ picture is small size hydraulic shearer for 8 x 1250mm.
Mesin potong/ gunting plat sistem hidrolik, HYM. ( tebal 4/ 6/ 8/ 10/ 12/ 16mm x panjang 1500, 2500, 3000, 4000 mm) .
Pada foto adlah mesin hidrolik potong plat ukuran kecil.
Jasa Sand blasting untuk kaca,  pipa besi,  besi profil,  H-beam,  Plat besi,  Siku,  dll. Areal luas
Terima jasa sandblasting untuk besi, kaca, kayu, dll.
Areal kerja luas.
Manufacturing Hydraulic press machine ( Custom made capacity and size ~ for sheet metal work,  baling,  shearing,  bending,  forming,  punching,  lifting,  etc) . @ picture is hydraulic baler for tobacco leaf industry.
Mesin press hidrolik/ hidrolis untuk tembakau, efisiensi biaya pengiriman, dimensi custom made/ sesuai permintaaan customer.
Sheet Metal Work ~ stamping,  forming,  drawing,  blanking,  shearing,  bending,  etc.../ Terima jasa pengerjaan plat besi seperti press,  plong,  potong,  drawing,  tekuk,  plong,  dll.. @ picture is various hardware parts for furnitures,  automotive,  etc.
Terima jasa pengerjaan plat besi seperti press, plong, potong, drawing, tekuk, plong, dll..
@ foto adalah perangkat keras untuk parts furnitur, kendaraan, dll...
Manufacturing various Hydraulic vertical and horizontal baler press machine for waste paper,  plastic,  fibre,  cardboard,  etc. ( Produksi mesin press hidrolik vertical & horizontal untuk afal/ sisa sampah kertas,  kardus,  plastik,  drum,  kaleng,  sabut,  dll.
Produksi mesin press hidrolik vertical dan horizontal untuk afal/ sisa sampah kertas, kardus, plastik, drum, kaleng, serat, sabut, dll.
Vertical Hydraulic baler press machine/ mesin press hidrolik/ hidrolis untuk kertas,  kardus,  plastik,  kaleng,  drum,  sabut kelapa,  janggelan ,  rumput laut,  serat,  kapas,  kapuk,  dll. HYM Product.
Jual hydraulic baling press machine/ mesin hidrolik press kertas, kardus, karon, plastik, rumput laut, serat, serabut kelapa, kapuk, dll. HYM Produk ( Ready Stock) .
Berat 230 ~ ....
HYM.BPV.01. Vertical Hydraulic baler press machine/ hydraulic compactor/ mesin hidrolik press kertas,  kardus,  karton ( 120 kg/ bal) ,  plastik,  sabut kelapa,  rumput laut,  serat,  kapuk,  drum,  kaleng,  dll. ( Ready Stock - BERGARANSI) .
Produce hydraulic baling pres machine with full pressed body.
Jual hydraulic baling press machine/ mesin hidrolik press untuk afalan kertas, plastik, kardus, rumput laut, serat, ....
Manufacturing Hydraulic press machine ( Custom made capacity and size ~ for sheet metal work,  baling,  shearing,  bending,  forming,  punching,  lifting,  etc) . @ picture is 500 Ton Deep Drawing Press Machine for sheet metal work.
Pembuatan berbagai macam mesin hidrolik press.
Foto mesin deep drawing kapasitas 500Ton.
Manufacturing Hydraulic Horizontal Continuous Channel Paper Baler Press Automatic or Manual tie...( HYM brand) . Suitable for paper waste,  plastic,  cardboard,  tin can,  etc.
Manufacturing Horizontal Hydraulic Channel Bale Press Machine / mesin hidrolik press horisontal untuk kertas, karton, koran, kardus, serat, plastik, dll. System PLC ( tali kawat) ....
Manufacturing Hydraulic press machine ( Custom made capacity and size ~ for sheet metal work,  baling,  shearing,  bending,  forming,  punching,  lifting,  etc) . @ picture is vertical baler press machine for cotton fibre industry.
Mesin hidrolik ball press untuk kapuk, kapas, kain, rumput laut, kertas. kardus, plastik, dll.
Manufacturing Hydraulic press machine ( Custom made capacity and size ~ for sheet metal work,  baling,  shearing,  bending,  forming,  punching,  lifting,  etc) . @ picture is for die cutting fabric sheet for automotive industry.
Pembuatan berbagai mesin press untuk industri dengan desain, kapasitas, ukuran, dll sesuai permintaan klien.
Manufacturing Hydraulic Horizontal Continuous Channel Paper Baler Press Automatic or Manual tie...( HYM brand) . Suitable for paper waste,  plastic,  cardboard,  tin can,  etc.
Manufacturing Horisontal Hydraulic channel baler press machine/ mesin press hidrolik/ press hidrolis kertas, kardus, plastik, dll. HYM Produk ( by order) .
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